Protect your loved ones

Parasites love your pets and can quickly infect you and your loved ones. Here’s how to protect the whole family

cat loved ones

Protect your loved ones

From birth, your kitten is an irresistibly warm and nutritious place for these unwanted pests. And Kiwi cats love hunting, grooming and roaming – their adventurous behavior exposes them to fleas, worms and other parasites.

Your fur baby loves nothing more than to proudly bring home a wee ‘gift’ that they have caught, like a mouse or a bird, or go on adventures around the neighborhood, in gardens and local parks – anywhere other animals have been. And this is where the problems lie.

With South African weather being generally warmer and wetter than other countries, and better home insulation, the flea population is active even during the cooler months. There are many products available to help keep pests at bay, but not all are equal. We think the best solution is to treat for internal & external parasites in one gentle monthly dose; no collars, no pills and no stress for you or your cat.

Are these pests REALLY a problem?

The short answer is yes. These parasites can cause a lot of discomfort for your cat, but more seriously, they cause many different diseases, and in extreme untreated cases, can be fatal.

Consistent, regular monthly dosing all year round helps you be proactive in managing the risk before it becomes a full-blown flea infestation for your pet and in your home. It can take three months or more to get an infestation under control, so prevention is definitely better than cure.